It is colourless and used as a local anaesthesia and in organic synthesis .
Discovered by Leibig , used as an anaesthetic in surgery .
Always stored in dark coloured bottle as it get oxidised with the sunlight and form a poisonous gas known as PHOSGENE .
It reacts with concentrated HNO3 to form CHLOROPICRIN, a poisonous gas used in water.
Used as an fire extinguisher , used as an solvent for the fats, oils in the industry.
Used as and electric insulator, lubricants , dielectric , heat transfer media in high voltage.
The chlorofluorocarbon compound of methane and ethane are collectively known as FREON.
They are produced by the refrigerator , A.C and propellants .
The cause the depletion of ozone.
Discovered by Paul Muller and it is used as an insecticide , widely used against the mosquito and lice.
It is highly stable and is not decomposed easily in the environment that why it is banned in several country.
Used as insecticides, germicide and in deodorant and moth repellent.
Known as wood spirit or wood naphtha.
Used for denaturing of alcohol (methylated spirit is denatured ethyl alcohol ).
Used as alcohol-petrol fuel , automobile antifreeze mixtures and in the manufacturing of drugs , dyes and perfume sets.
Known as alcohol, spirit of wine or grain alcohol.
Used as solvent in paint industry.
Used as anti freeze in automobile radiator and as a cooling agent in aeroplanes instead of water.
Its dinitrate is used as an explosive with trinitroglycerine.
Present in almost all the animal and vegetable oil and fats as glycerides.
It is hygroscopic in nature and used in the manufacturing of the cosmetic and transparent soaps , as a lubricant for watches and clocks .
Commonly known as carbolic acid or benzenol and prepared by the middle oil fraction of coal tar.
Used in the preparation of drugs such as salol, aspirin , salicylic acid and phenacetin .