The Grade 3 Syllabus all major subjects is tabulated below.
- English
- Maths
- Hindi
- General Knowledge
- Computer Science
- Drawing
Class 3 English literature Syllabus for English are listed below:
- Good Morning
- The Magic Garden
- Bird Talk
- Nina and the Baby Sparrows
- Little by Little
- The Enormous Turnip
- Sea Song
- A Little Fish Story
- The Balloon Man
- The Yellow Butterfly
- Trains
- The Story of the Road
- Puppy and I
- Little Tiger, Big Tiger
- What’s in the Mailbox?
- My Silly Sister
- Don’t Tell
- He is My Brother
- How Creatures Move
- The Ship of the Desert
Class 3 Grammar Syllabus for English are listed below:
- Prepositions
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Tenses
- Adjectives
- Pronoun
- Conjunction
- Adverbs
- Punctuations
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Vowels & Consonants
- Animal sounds
- Syllables
- Story Writing
- Silent Letters
- Writing Composition
- People and their work
- Family relation vocabulary
Maths is one of the important subjects and it is important for students to understand the basic concepts to clear the complex problems in further classes.
- Where to Look From
- Fun With Numbers
- Give and Take
- Long and Short
- Shapes and Designs
- Fun With Give and Take
- Time Goes On
- Who is Heavier?
- How Many Times?
- Play With Patterns
- Jugs and Mugs
- Can We Share?
- Smart Charts!
- Rupees and Paise
- Poonam’s Day out
- The Plant Fairy
- Water O’ Water!
- Our First School
- Chhotu’s House
- Foods We Eat
- Saying without Speaking
- Flying High
- It’s Raining
- What is Cooking
- From Here to There
- Work We Do
- Sharing Our Feelings
- The Story of Food
- Making Pots
- Games We Play
- Here comes a Letter
- A House Like This
- Our Friends – Animals
- Drop by Drop
- Families can be Different
- Left-Right
- A Beautiful Cloth
- Web of Life
Class 3 Hindi has both literature and grammar. The detailed syllabus for both is as under:
Hindi Syllabus for Literature has the following chapters
- कक्कू
- शेखीबाज़ मक्खी
- चाँद वाली अम्मा
- मन करता है
- बहादुर बित्तो
- हमसे सब कहते
- टिपतिपवा
- बंदर बाँट
- कब आऊ
- क्योंजीमल और कैसे कैसलिया
- मीरा बहन और बाघ
- जब मुझे साँप ने काटा
- मिर्च का मजा
- सबसे अच्छा पेड़
Class 3 Hindi Syllabus for Grammar is as below:
- विलोम शब्द – विलोम शब्द वह शब्द है जिसका अर्थ दिए हुए शब्द के एकदम उल्टा होता है जैसे – ‘ कोमल – कठोर ‘, ‘ एक – अनेक ‘ ।
- पर्यायवाची शब्द – जिन शब्दों के अर्थ में समानता होती है, उन्हें पर्यायवाची शब्द कहते हैं।
- लिंग – संज्ञा के जिस रूप से किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की पुरुष अथवा स्त्री जाति का बोध होता हैं उसे लिंग कहते हैं । उदाहरण: माता, पिता, यमुना, शेर, शेरनी, दादा, दादी, बकरा, बकरी
- अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द – हिंदी भाषा में अनेक शब्दों के स्थान पर एक शब्द का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। भाषा में कई शब्दों के स्थान पर एक शब्द बोल कर हम भाषा को प्रभावशाली एवं आकर्षक बनाते हैं।
Grade 3 General Knowledge Syllabus are listed below:
- Plant world
- Animal world
- Science and technology
- Sports
- India
- The animal kingdom
- Landmarks
- States and Capital
- Important days
- Festivals
- World Capitals
- Continents and Countries
- Wonders of India
Grade Three Computer Syllabus is given below:
- Computer Basics
- Introduction to computer
- Identify the parts of the computer
- Starting and shut down computer
- Computer Room Etiquettes
- Identify the keys of the keyboard
- Do’s and Do not of while working on the computer
- Strengths and Limitation of Computer
- Fun With Paint Brush
- Introduction
- How to start Paintbrush.
- Home Tab
- Pencil, Eraser, Fill with colour, pick colour, brush, Airbrush
- Text tool, Shapes, Magnifier
- More About Paint Brush
- Selection-Rectangular Selection
- Freeform Selection
- View Menu
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Full Screen
- About Desktop and Computer Peripherals
- Desktop
- Purpose of Desktop
- Identify the Icon on the Desktop
- Start button and Taskbar
- My computer 6. Recycle bin
- Input and Output devices
- Memory device
The drawing topics of CBSE Class 3 are listed below:
- Colour Shading
- Frog On Mushroom
- Aeroplane With A View
- Colourful Snail
- Ice-Cream Shop
- Cute Dinosaur
- Two Happy Bees
- Different Houses
- Fairy Tale
- The Pink Elephant
- Caterpillar’s New Home
- Little Indian Mermaid